Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ying Ma common theme in pg 107 & pg 111

     In Chinese Girl in the Ghetto Ying Ma claims that asain Americans withstood a lot of abuse based on their ethnicity. She discusses the tension between asian students and the black and hispanic students in her daily school life and describes her own experience of being bullied based on her race by a hispanic girl named Maria " she preferred to dish out racial slurs to those who looked Chinese. Against us, her epithets rarely elicited a response" (Ma 111). Not only does she claim that asain americans were abused based on their ethnicity but she also states that they were a target of bullying because they had the tendency to not fight back. Ying becomes tired of being bullied  and decides to fight back ,however, the way in which she retaliates includes exchanging racial slurs with Maria. In doing this Ying participates in the racial discrimination that plagues her community. This particular form of racial discrimination is within different ethnic minorities. Interracial conflict was not exclusive to Yings community, throughout american History there has been a struggle within ethnic groups.
     Omi and Winant discuss the interracial discrimination that occurred in the U.S during the civil right movements of the 1950s and 1960s. When the government created equal opportunity programs different ethnic minorities began to compete for positions in these programs which resulted in racial conflict. Without unity in the different minorities interracial  and plain racial discrimination continued.

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