Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chinese Girl in the Ghetto vs. Illegal Immigrants

          Today I will write about the author of Chinese Girl in The Ghetto, Ying Ma. While I was reading the book I found that while I could relate to her experience in the inner cities and her families struggle I did not find her story to be inspirational. The way I perceived her tone to be was something like "I came here, I did this, I'm so much more hard working than any  of the people around me." I think because of this attitude she cannot feel empathy for the people who come to this country and have struggle like her if not more. It's almost as if she believes that if you don't break your back to make it then you dont deserve to be in America. She is the prime example of a minority internalizing racial projects and replicating it.

          Looking through her facebook page I noticed that she is the host for a page named "We Came Legally". Personally I cannot say that I am fond of Ms.Ma but I cannot say that I do not agree with the implied message of her page. However, I do not want to condemn the thousands of immigrants who have come to American illegally  in search of a better life. As a human being they have the right to search for better opportunities for themselves and for their children. I truly believe that because they were so desperate and chose to come to the United States illegally they are not granting themselves more opportunities but instead limiting themselves. Many of them might not have realized that back home. Our politics are wrong is trying to stop illegal immigration, not morally but strategically. It's just not the way to go around it. Perhaps they should make it easier to get working visas or green cards so that immigrants don't have to turn to coming here illegally. Hey I don't know, I'm not a politician but I am a concerned citizen making suggestions.

          As for Ying Ma she is a part of the machine and its people like her that make it so hard for immigrants and children of immigrants to be seen as human beings and not leeches. (That's speaking of her in a nice way C; )

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