Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stress and College Life

          Hey welcome to college life (if you aren't a transfer, if you are....welcome back). I'm sure I don't need to tell you that college is stressful. Hey life is stressful in general I'm sure you could use some more (saaaarcasim). One think I can tell you ,however, is that you are not alone. LaGuardia is full of students struggling to get an education. Many of us live on our own and as such have no choice but to work either full time or close to it to simply survive. The first few weeks are going to be the hardest, not because of the work but because you'll have to make some decisions in regards to how you are going to live your academic life. I am a firm believer that individuals need to experience things for them to learn but if you are willing to listen to some advise I have plenty to give.

          First off: Financial Aid. For those of you lucky enough to receive it DON'T WASTE IT (like I did). Just because you can retake a class and it wont show on yer transcript doesn't mean you should. You only get eight semesters of financial Aid. So the more classes you fail and have to take over the more likely YOU WILL PAY FOR SCHOOL LATER ON. If you think college is expensive now... Tuition and everything else we get billed for increases each and every semester. So what am I trying to say? Do your work! You dont need an A a B is pretty good too.

          College is a full time job. So if you already have a job now you have a second job. No one is going to hold your hand, you don't read, you don't study, you don't write your papers you fail that's it. So that job you have now is the job you will have for the rest of your life. Try getting a decent apartment with that nice little o' paycheck. The life you live now, the struggling to pay your bills, will be your future, your eternity if you don't take the time to be a student. And if you live with good old mom and dad...you are wasting their hard earned money. They break their backs for it don't be a brat. 

         But it's just advice. Hopefully you aren't one of those people that have to fail to learn. With some determination you'll get where you want to be, Good luck.

(P.s If all goes well I'll have a nice little condo in Manhattan which I will use to make up for the time I wasn't able to be a kid and have cocktail parities with cute dresses and shoes with all my graphic designer friends....So what I'm vain... xD)

1 comment:

  1. http://www.laguardia.edu/mediatech/programs/newmedia/default.aspx
