Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Literary LaGaurdia

     I was surprised by the amount of people who showed up at the forum and more surprised at the amount of submissions given to Literary LaGuardia. Honestly I came in with little interest in students writing since I had been to many school events in high school and in my time at St.Johns' and every time I left unimpressed with the students work. From the first non-fiction reading I am not a Booster by Delana Lewis I realized that this event would be different. With each reading I could feel that these students had written their papers, poems, and stories with actual passion and not just because they were given an assignment. I also could relate to many of the stories they were telling especially Joseph Cutolo's Becoming a Girl (which was very well written) since I did feel growing up that i did not fit the ideology of being a girl, Raphael Sabando's Immigrants Entrepreneurs in New York City being that I am second generation in the United States and issues of immigrations are dear to me, and again Delana Lewis' I am not a Booster.

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